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2024-09-29 Manufacturers Index Tube manufacturers' documents, brochures and additional data.
2023-12-23 No brand related documents Documents not related to any specific tube brand.
2019-06-17 Images of tubes Photos of electron tubes.
  CV specifications Conversion table for CV type tubes. Partly with CV-specifications.
  VT numbers Conversion table for VT type tubes.
  Old Stores numbers Conversion table for 'old stores' type numbers.
2013-11-17 Tube Bases some info about Tube Bases
2024-08-25 Instruments Some documents, descriptions and photos of several instruments.
2010-09-02 Philips Service Documents Test&Measurement and black&white-TV (Henrik Ros)
2024-03-02 some other stuff More technical documents: manuals etc... (Not all about electron tubes.)
2023-09-09 Instrument Cathode-Ray Tubes How Instrument Cathode-Ray Tubes were fabricated
2023-11-17 Thanks to many people that assisted me with collecting tube data